All in my look at On the Edge of Extinction Part 4!
The Solar Pool |
![]() This week, it's the grand conclusion to the whole series that turned out not to be the grand conclusion. It's Unicron Vs. Prime, Light Vs. Dark and Circuit Breaker Vs My Nerves. All in my look at On the Edge of Extinction Part 4!
14/7/2018 05:10:34 pm
Just a test as I've had one person say their comment didn't post...
14/7/2018 05:57:19 pm
It's telling of how good a 'bot that Optimus Prime is, that he killed Unicron quite thoroughly, with no chance for revival in this universe While Rodimus Prime botched the job. The berk.
27/10/2020 07:08:04 pm
On the other hand, Roddy managed to not kill himself when he opened the Matrix, and even got to keep it after. (Which doesn't really make sense in either the cartoon or the comic. Did he just open it for a few moments, then close it again and drive off out of Unicron?)
Stunning work from Geoff Senior. I wonder how long he worked on it. Did he do the inks as well? Some of the concepts James Roberts has introduced are wonderful but he couldn’t have done it without Simon Furman’s magnificent work here. I think there could have been an issue or 2 in discussing Unicron tactics with the guys on Cybertron as there’s no sense of the residents apart from Xaaron, but maybe they had to rush the plot.
15/7/2018 02:02:04 pm
I've always been a bit biased about Transformer power levels myself. Cybertronians should always be tougher than the average giant mech.
19/7/2018 03:12:18 pm
Ah, but DH was fashioned from 'majik' and 'tekno', whatever the frig they are, and is thus far from the average mech.
Jon Talpur
15/7/2018 08:49:19 pm
And it's adios, Geoff Senior, for a few years anyway. At least fans of the day could look forward to his work on the upcoming Death's Head limited series written by character co-creator Simon Furman. Oops....
Charles RB
15/7/2018 11:32:20 pm
Looking forward to the upcoming comments on Marvel UK's 'Genesis 92' stabs
Simon Hall
16/7/2018 09:22:38 pm
Senior's work is awesome on this story. Nice that he was kept on into the 'Genesis' era on Hell's Angel. Although he might not have got the Death's Head he was expecting, he did go onto to do some stunning work on the character in the two Battletide limited series.
18/7/2018 01:21:17 pm
I've got to be blunt - Circuit Breaker bringing pain to Unicron is ridiculous. Her powers are entirely self-created, not a mutant or someone who got stuck by lightning, and somehow she's become able to inflict this kind of pain on such a huge being. Perhaps Furman realised he'd written himself into a corner by bringing the Neo Knights along, hence why it becomes such a brief moment.
19/7/2018 03:21:13 pm
The comics are remarkably consistent in only flying Transformers being able to fly in robot mode but I think Prime's rocket boots are established at the end of the Underbase saga when he pushes himself and Scorponok out of the path of said Underbase.
19/7/2018 03:24:24 pm
Oh, and I think Battletrap makes it into G2, so maybe he's just a hard bastard?
20/7/2018 09:10:02 pm
Pretty sure Prime is struggling to fully open and unleash the matrix (because it's been tainted, it's resisting him) I never thought he was trying to close it
20/7/2018 10:43:19 pm
When he grabs and purifies it, it does appear as though he's managed to close the gap that's been there since its rediscovery, almost as if the partial opening has signified it being tainted. He only then opens it inside Unicron. Given how the poster has clearly been sourcing from the story itself (as opposed to more general scenes), Prime would appear to be purifying the Matrix rather than using it long distance.
27/7/2018 12:25:55 pm
This isn't Battletrap's first appearance sine Time Wars, he appeared a few issues ago listening to Primus' story. And he's one of the casualties in Time Wars that isn't blasted apart, decapitated or similar, he's just thrown against a wall and still looks relatively intact. It's not that much of a stretch to say he was recovered at some point later and repaired.
20/7/2018 05:07:58 pm
Shameless advert!
30/12/2019 07:21:18 pm
The speech Optimus Prime makes “in space” was as he was flying from Cybertron to Unicron, who might have been close enough together for all this to be happening in Cybertron’s atmosphere. I guess Unicron doesn’t have his own atmosphere or he wouldn’t have had to tell Galvatron “Speak with your mind!” when he was floating right in front of him. It’s hard to tell what’s air and what’s space when it’s always night because Cybertron left its sun back in issue #1. The cartoon essentially treated space as being just like the night sky, i.e. there is air in space (unless they specifically say there isn’t, like when Spike asks “What do we do when the air runs out?”). The default state is, space is just the night sky, complete with air.
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