2012 will see the tenth anniversary of the modern Transformers comic. That's two years more than the original Marvel run lasted, albeit in that case published by just the one company successfully for all that time rather than destroying the one publisher and becoming something of a pathetic joke title at another.
It's fair to say that those ten years have had more of their share of lows than highs. Original publishers Dreamwave started out with the 80's nostalgia aided boost of the number one selling comic for the first few months of their original mini-series, but a succession of poorly received and frequently late stories saw sales plummet. The fact Dreamwave head honcho Pat Lee turned out to be a wheeler dealer who, when the company came to the point of bankruptcy, ran off with all the money and brought a Porsche rather than paying any of his staff ended their era on a sour note. Though from Lee's point of view being able to go home and count his money at night probably made up for being the but of fan jokes for years to come. And ironically despite now being poorly regarded many of the ideas introduced by Dreamwave have gone onto be hugely influential, especially their War Within stories, which most noticeable created the character of The Fallen as seen in the 2009 film.