Sometimes a bad trailer can really put you off a movie. When Paul came out earlier this year the promo spots didn't make it look all that funny, the best gag in the whole thing being the dead bird one. When you factor in that only two thirds of the Blood and Ice Cream trilogy team (Pegg and Frost) were involved it looked like director Edgar Wright was going to be badly missed. Indeed, most of Pegg's work without Wright, barring Star Trek, hasn't been especially good. Has anyone watched Run Fatboy Run yet?
Luckily trailers can be deceptive. The film is a lot more juvenile and sillier than either Shaun of the Dead or Hot Fuzz (and remember those were hardly gritty realistic dramas to start with), and in particular has characters going around swearing for cheap laughs as if the writers (also Pegg and Frost) were teenagers who're still excited by naughty words. However, silly and juvenile can be entertaining if you're in the right mood, and this is still an extremely funny film.