First up, Skullgrin lives the Hollywood dream but faces his Mark Chapman in my look at Monstercon From Mars! Part 2.
Second, with the launch of the regular Death's Head comic launching in October of 1988, an Addendum looking at HIS ORIGINAL SERIES.
But what you all want to know is who won the quiz. Well, excitingly it was a draw! With two winners both getting 11 out of 12 (or indeed full marks if you allow the alternate answer to question 11).
Unfortunately, like an idiot, I've accidentally deleted the email from the one winner, meaning that if you recognise that you've got these questions right you'll need to email me your name and contact details again (I remember how your email address ended, so no sneaky opportunists trying to get free books!). Our other winner though is the enigmatic and mysterious Brendocon. You will both get almost the same prizes, except that--as there is only one proof copy--one of you will have to make do with a regular (though no less full of proofing errors, they're just different ones) copy of the book. Who gets which will be decided by a toss of a coin when it comes to posting things off.
The rest of you are, I'm sure, keen to know the answers (and if you haven't played yet, LOOK HERE before reading on):
Question 1: Which Decepticons made their first appearance in the one page promotional comic created for the book in 1988?
Answer: Dreadwind and Darkwing.
Question 2: A prior edition of Ladies Night gave Joy Meadows a skill that helped her in the story of the same name. What was it?
Answer: Learning to drive a tank.
Question 3: What was Grimlock’s location based excuse for having to give up hosting the letters page?
Answer: According to Grimgrams, the difficulty of delivering mail to the moon.
[The explanation given in Robo-Capers—that Grimlock was taking a holiday—is also acceptable even if that was written by Simon Furman and thus fiction rather than the real Grimlock]
Question 4: What aspect of Zarak’s family life from the Headmasters mini-series was left out of the text retelling of the story in the 1987 Annual?
Answer: His daughter Llyra.
Question 5: According to Grimgrams, what do the Sparkler Mini-Bots transform into?
Answer: The famous “Vehicular Modes”.
Question 6: What is the name of the company Ethan Zachery has founded by the time of the return of Optimus Prime?
Answer: Alternate Reality Inc. [Bonus point to anyone who spotted I spelt Zachary wrong]
Question 7: Which unlikely British newspaper accused Transformers (alongside Gobots and Masters of the Universe) of being an example of “White male domination” during 1988?
Answer: The Sun.
Question 8: After being blown through the time portal at the end of The Legacy of Unicron!, which comic did Death’s Head next appear in?
Answer: Doctor Who Magazine issue 135.
Question 9: Other than Impactor and Flame, which named Transformer is not shown to have survived the events of Meltdown!, as they aren’t seen in the final crowd scene and never appear in the comic again?
Answer: Trypticon.
Question 10: According to Combat Colin, what is Bigfoot’s first name?
Answer: Roger.
Question 11: Which long serving location for the comic makes its last appearance during Trial by Fire!?
Answer: S. Witwicky Auto Repair (the various alternate names seen on the sign or something as simple as “Buster/Sparkplug/Spike’s house” would have also been acceptable).
This was the question that foxed you all as everyone put “Mount St. Hillary”. That of course features briefly in Firebug! As we don’t technically visit the volcano in that story I’d have accepted this answer if not for the fact it makes no change to the final result of the quiz.
Question 12: Which classic British film is quoted by both Wreck-Gar in Space Pirates! and, years later, Slag in Still Life!?
Answer: Carry On Screaming.