Plus, try the new extreme Optimus Prime diet, meet the new Autobot leader and read a perfick Combat Colin adventure.
It's all in the issue no one expected, Still Life! Part 1.
The Solar Pool |
This week it's the most exciting development in the comic for years as the amazing Krok makes his memorable debut. Plus, try the new extreme Optimus Prime diet, meet the new Autobot leader and read a perfick Combat Colin adventure. It's all in the issue no one expected, Still Life! Part 1.
21/7/2018 12:37:25 am
I wonder if Prime thinks that Grimlock has learnt his lesson from before? And also considering how much the Autobot-Decepticon alliance was built on the back of the personal trust that had developed between Prime and Scorponok, maybe this is a deathbed realisation (helped by being exposed to the release of the Matrix) that the Autobots and Decepticons just can't easily fuse together and the former need a leader who won't let his guard down?
21/7/2018 02:14:33 am
The point you mention about Primus instilling the civil war into them to make them ready for Unicron was something I explored in my fanfic The Science of Gods back around the year 2000 when I was administrator of Seibertron. I doubt it’s still there.:D
21/7/2018 03:52:34 am
Grimlock does indeed call the two sides good and evil. You can put that down the bias, but Reg does again show it to be what Furman meant literally. I agree with Tim here. I always interpreted Grimlock's dialogue as his own point of view, which was not necessarily correct, but perhaps expedient in the circumstances - "the planet appears to be wrecked and we need to get to try and find the Ark and get off it".
Will Rigby
21/7/2018 06:47:51 am
When you think about it Regeneration One doesn't need to exist, when most of the Marvel plot points were already resolves or just recycled from the Generation 2 comic.
23/7/2018 12:05:46 am
I was genuinely hoping RG1 would be a nostalgia-fest for the long-time reader that cleared up minor loose ends like the Roadjammers, the Mechanic, what happened to the other Powermasters, a better finale for Ratbat (the best Decepticon leader in the series), and other easily-forgotten but fun aspects of the original series. It was such a waste, I think some of the fans or fans-turned-pro could've handled it better.
Given the rather dreary and spaced out storylines of Regeneration One, the motivations behind it are at best unclear. I would have cringed at seeing the Roadjammers or Mechanic return - but you know, fair point, maybe that would have bene more faithful. Throwing the carefully established Marvel UK continuity in the bin was absolutely baffling. As Stu has said, Scorponok had been given a wonderful send off already. Letting Earth be mostly destroyed - because nobody could be bothered checking in - was incredibly at odds with the tone of the preceding stories. Andy Wildman delivered rushed art (I don't think he was helped by the too-modern and proficient colouring!) and jumped as soon as a better (presumably better paid?) gig came along. Etc.
Ryan F
21/7/2018 10:08:56 am
I think the easiest way to debunk the idea that the Autobot /Decepticon divide is a genetic one is simply to look at the past.
Ryan F
21/7/2018 01:10:11 pm
And while I’m on the subject (as you can probably tell, this plot point is a huge bugbear of mine!), the idea that the Decepticons are simply evil due a genetic quirk, well... doesn’t that make them the tragic victims in all of this?
Simon Hall
22/7/2018 12:20:29 pm
I'm only discovering Reg One through the Hachette partwork series and ... it does feel like the answer to a question no-one asked. I'd rather Furman had gone to town with a follow up to Generation 2 (still my favourite TF run) than worrying about the original Headmaster Heads (Budiansky's idea of them remaining in contact with their bodies by remote control or whatever makes no sense given how we see Spike/Fortress Maximus relationship work, for example) and getting into some silly genetics based idea for good vs evil.
Ryan F
22/7/2018 12:52:45 pm
The reason that the future movie cast (not just Magnus, but also Springer, Galvatron, Arcee, Wheelie etc) were never used by Budiansky is simply that he didn’t like them!
I don't think it's fair to say Bob Budiansky didn't like Ultra Magnus etc. Rather, they were active in "the future", and he was probably finding it hard enough introducing whatever Hasbro needed introduced without also trying to include toys Hasbro felt were being advertised adequately elsewhere - and which were from a whole different timeline (which would have needed explaining). Simon Furman spotted a gap and made a good job of developing stories within it. I wonder if this was with the express consent of Hasbro UK as the amount of Movie toys seemed pretty high (it was easier to get Wheelie than a Dinobot, from my recollection).
Charles RB
22/7/2018 04:17:35 pm
Grimlock as leader makes perfect sense after Earthforce - he did an okay job there, he's got all his Earthforce buddies around, Prowl did help keep him on track there. The fact Earthforce isn't in continuity with Still Life is the problem and I have to assume Furman, having spent a year writing okayish-leader-Grimmy in the UK as well as sensible brave warrior Grimlock in the US, forgot this wouldn't make as much sense to people who'd only seen half of it.
27/7/2018 12:47:47 pm
This is where my newsagent started getting my subscription in regularly again, at least for a couple of months. I've got everything from here to 330, missing only the last two issues. As such, this was the last new Transformers run for me until I started college in 2000, so a lot of what goes on in these next eight issues forms a lot of what I think of when certain things are mentioned. This - along with Earthforce to a lesser degree - is what I think of for Prowl, for example.
31/12/2019 03:10:54 am
Is the lyric “Where do we go from here?” from “Looking for Satellites” by David Bowie? That’s what started playing in my head when I read it, but it sounds like a common phrase that could be from dozens of songs.
Ryan F
31/12/2019 10:19:11 am
See, I saw “Where do we go from here” and immediately thought of ‘Love Plus One’ by Haircut One Hundred.
31/12/2019 11:21:07 am
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